The Benefits & Types of Breast Reduction Surgery


A breast reduction surgery is the procedure for removal of excessive fat, tissues, and skin from the breasts. A breast reduction procedure reduces the breast size and makes it more proportionate with the body. 

There are several techniques used for breast reduction depending upon the shape and size of the breast as well as the choice of the patient. The most common procedure of breast reduction surgery involves a scar around the areola, followed by a vertical scar from the areola to the crease below the breast and another scar within the crease. 

This is one of the most popular breast surgeries and a person can go home the same day after a successful surgery. It takes only three to six weeks for full recovery and a year for the removal of scars from the breasts.

Why Breast Reduction Surgery?

A breast reduction surgery has both cosmetic and medical reasons. Most of the patients choose breast reduction surgery not just for an aesthetic but because large breasts may cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. You can check

There are several health benefits of breast reduction surgery including the likes of:

Nerve Pain Relief: 

Large breasts may cause shoulder pain that compresses the nerve leading to nerve pain, numbness and tingling. After breast reduction surgery, the shoulders do not compress the nerve resulting in pain relief. 

Also read: 5 Ways You Can Benefit from Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Treatments

Chronic Pain Reduction: 

The large breasts are a great cause of neck, shoulder, and back pain as the because of the extra weight of the breasts. With the removal of extra weight from the breast through the patient may feel improvement in back, neck, and shoulder pain. 

What Does The Procedure Entail?

Generally, the procedure is carried out in an outpatient department. The patient might have to stay at least one night in the hospital after the surgery. The procedure begins by giving general anaesthesia to the patient. 

Usually, breast reduction surgery takes 2 to 5 hours or sometimes longer. The surgeon might use on of these methods to remove excessive fat and tissue from the breasts:


This is done through making small cuts in inserting a thin tube that is connected to a vacuum. The tube sucks fat and fluids from the breast. This method is ideal when small reduction is required and for patients whose skin snaps back into place. 


This method is best for people who have visible sagging. The surgeon cuts around the areola and creases beneath the breast. This results in reduced size of the breast and also lifts the breast. 


During Inverted T procedure, the surgeon makes cuts around the edge of the areola through the breast crease and along the lower part of the breast. This is best for people who expect larger reduction in breast size and have severe sagging and unevenness. 

What Is The Recovery Time?

Some patients may require a week while some may need a couple of weeks for recovery. The patient may also require a follow-up appointment for removing bandages and stitches. The surgeon may ask you to stop physical activity for at least a month. 

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