Tag: tech


Etiquette in metal detecting

Metal detecting is a hobby with its own set of rules. If you want to be a part of the community, these rules are...

The State of the Video Gaming Industry in 2021

Video gaming is complex, and the cost to run a game on one of the consoles has risen with greater complexity. Over the decades,...

Top 5 PlayStation Games You Can’t Miss Out On

If you're a gamer, you know that there are some awesome games to choose from. The PlayStation is one of the most iconic and...

CRM platforms – A Total Guide

Application software developed specifically for organizations is designed to automate the work of employees, their communication with customers / among themselves. It has been...

Is there a place for artificial intelligence in the insurance industry?

The use of artificial intelligence in insurance remains one of the most promising areas of increasing business efficiency. Back in 2016, only 1.33% of insurance...

Why Data Migration Projects Fail?

People nowadays take more interest in implementing new techniques in their businesses than just revolving around the traditions. We know data migration is a...