How to write a paper quickly and efficiently


First of all, let’s define what quickly is. It doesn’t mean that you write as fast as you can and don’t understand whether you are writing on a topic or not, whether what you write is relevant, interesting, and right. Writing quickly means writing faster than normal because the deadline is closed or because you have other papers to deal with. Writing fast is also a good skill for dealing with your exam assignments. Do you always need this skill? Is it beneficial to write quickly, even when you have time to spare on a particular writing assignment? From one point of view, the faster you write, the more free time you have both for studies and leisure time. From another point of view, writing faster is a tool, not our standard way of doing things. There is a chance to learn how to write a paper quickly for a situation like approaching a deadline, in the end, you wind up writing more quickly all of your papers. Here are some tips you may find useful in case you want to deal with your writing assignments faster.

Make a plan

It sounds like a waste of time, but in fact, it is a great way not to lose your concentration later. When writing a plan from the start you are fresh, you have energy, your creativity is still with you, you just read some sources and haven’t yet forgotten what you read. Write a brief plan, stating what you want to mention in every point. It is not an outline for your professor, no one will see it except for you, so write as simply as possible. When you get stuck somewhere in the course of arguments, you will return to this plan and continue writing without losing speed.

Put sources under every outline point

When you have enough time doing research, you browse through sources, choose the most interesting ones, return to them, choose others, sort them, etc. Here, you don’t have time to waste, that is why we recommend putting all the relevant sources you find right to the point in the plan you have written before. Remember, done is better than perfect. Adequate source now is better than a perfect source in half an hour. If, for some miracle, you have time to find better sources in the end, you will do it. But our practice shows that it won’t happen, and you still will be fine!

Use voice recording

We talk faster than we write. Often, we lose some good new thoughts while typing the previous ones. Yes, you don’t have time to decipher, but with modern technology you don’t have to. Even Google Docs have a voice recording mechanism, and if you speak clearly, it almost doesn’t make mistakes. True, you will have to do some extra editing, but it is nothing, compared to the time you save dictating parts of your essay instead of actually writing them. When you have spare time, look for more professional and sensitive voice recording apps you can use in the future.

Choose the arguments according to sources you have 

It is not the time to be picky about what you want to say in your paper. Choose the arguments based on the sources you can use right away. Often, students come up with some creative and brave arguments and later spend eternity looking for relevant sources and references. You don’t have that amount of time, so let it be for now. 

Delegate some of your tasks 

When you have a break, think about the reasons, the series of choices that brought you to this moment. There is a big chance that you are just snowed under assignments and can’t get everything done on time, because your to-do list is simply too much to handle. If you don’t want to make your life a marathon from one burning deadline to another, consider delegating some of your tasks if you need someone to help you immediately. If you are running out of time to comply all your requirements, you can ask for help from assignment writing services. Find a reliable, professional company that will write a paper online for you from time to time. This way, you will have experienced essay writers with a relevant background to cover some of your assignments. You will also get valuable time you need to deal with papers you care about and also rest sometimes. Online ordering process takes minutes, and the time gain is priceless. 

Don’t use free samples

While addressing writing services for help may be a good idea, looking for free samples is a complete waste of time. Most of them are significantly outdated, were plagiarized hundreds of times, use not academically accepted sources and are simply badly written. You waste time on looking for them, then through them, then you cannot get rid of plain arguments used in them. Just don’t do it. 

Write the part you know first

This will help you to beat the fear of an empty sheet. Starting is the most difficult part, so start with what you already know, it will make your writing faster and easier. Once you are done with this part, you will feel much more motivated to finish.


Make small, repetitive breaks

Many students make the same mistake — they don’t rest because they think it will help them to deal with an assignment faster. It is wrong, because your brain doesn’t care about the deadline, it only cares about self-preservation. You need to make small 5 minute breaks at least every 25 minutes. Get up from your chair, drink water, use the bathroom, and be active. You will be amazed how much faster your writing will go once you do all that every 20-30 minutes.

There are some extra tricks to remember about: use online proofreading services, preferably the paid ones, use online citation generators, the ones that have the latest updates of guidelines. Writing faster means writing smarter and more effectively. You have to keep in mind your final goal.

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