How to Exchange Your ETH for BTC


Do you have a supply of ETH coins and are you looking for the best ETH to BTC sell option? There is a huge selection of places on the Internet where you can do this, the problem is to choose the best one. Execute exchange:

Traditional services with their own liquidity pool. Most of them have a wallet service.

Instant exchanges that choose swap offers for their best customers. In addition to these services, there are other features that distinguish them favorably from exchanges.

The choice of the platform for exchange ETH for BTC remains with you. You can convert cryptocurrencies on any platform, if its conditions suit you. Comparison of conditions across platforms and more – welcome to LetsExchange.

Simple exchange process

Instant exchange platforms are open to everyone: both for cryptocurrency holders with no special knowledge, and for traders with rich experience in trading on the exchange. Regardless of who you are, the swap is extremely simple and consists of 5 steps:

  • Indicate coins for sale in the upper window;
  • Enter the amount enter crypto;
  • Select a coin to buy;
  • Make a deposit;
  • Enter your wallet address.

This is where your participation in the deal ends. Then a special program starts to work. She will scan the leading exchanges, find the best available offer, place an order and convert your coins. As soon as they are sold, the proceeds will instantly go to your wallet.

After that, you can download a receipt with all the details of the transaction. Of course, if you want a Doge to BTC converter you can repeat the transaction with other cryptocurrency pairs.

Benefits of instant exchange

LetsExchange is not limited to simple swaps. The platform is always available with:

  • Best rates. The SmartRate tool will kindly look for them.
  • Fast transactions. A priori, there are no problems with liquidity on the platform, as it takes this parameter into account when searching for suitable offers. You just need to wait for your blockchain registration to finish.
  • Attentive customer support. If you have a problem, these guys are always here to help you solve it.
  • Non-storage services. Your coins are yours alone. The platform does not store or use funds of its clients.
  • Verified coins. Checking coins is a prerequisite for a guaranteed successful transaction.
  • Anonymity. To convert cryptocurrency, you do not need to register and provide personal data. The system will only ask for the wallet address for crediting the purchased coins and the email address if you need a receipt.

Bottom line

Fast, profitable, effortless – this is how cryptocurrencies are exchanged on LetsExchange. The only drawback of the service is the lack of a wallet service. But you already know the strengths of the platform.

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