What is the GETCO JE exam date? How to download GETCO JE admit card?


GETCO known as Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited, set up in May 1999 is registered under the Companies Act, 1956. This company is promoted by the Gujarat Electricity Board as the wholly-owned subsidiary so as to put in efforts towards the restructuring of the power sector in Gujarat. They come up with good vacancies each year and among them, one is Junior Engineer (Vidyut Sahayak). To get this job position, the candidates have to give an entrance exam known as GETCO JE.

Also, understand the exam pattern to ace the exam. Keep your eyes on all the notifications and updates to avoid any kind of problems in the end. The selection method of this exam is based on the written examination and interview and documents verification.

GETCO JE Exam Pattern 

This exam will be held in online mode and is objective type. The question paper will consist of 100 questions and the exam will be of 100 marks. In case of a wrong attempt, there is a criterion of negative marking as well. For each wrong answer, 1/4th mark will be deducted. In short, if you have 4 wrong attempts, your one mark will be deducted. So it is always better to attempt those questions which you know are 100% correct. To know about the subjects, there is a total of 5 subjects which will sum up into 100. The subjects are general knowledge (10 marks), English (10 marks), electric/civil engineering (60 marks), computer knowledge (10 marks) and Gujarati language and grammar (10 marks).

 It is important for you to look into the subjects in detail. To know the GETCO JE exam pattern, you can visit BYJUS’S Exam Prep. 

How to Download GETCO JE Admit Card 2022?

After registering and filling the application form, you have to download the GETCO JE admit card. Following is the step-by-step process to download it hassle-free:

  • Visit online portal- To download the hall ticket, you have to visit the online portal or websites of GETCO. Click the notifications on the home page and then go on the admit card section for the particular year.
  • Details- Mention the details like registration number, password, date of birth, father name etc to get the admit card or hall ticket. Submit the details and your admit card will appear on the screen.
  • Download- Now simply download the admit card and take a printout on a white plain sheet.

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Make sure to carry this card with you at the time you enter the exam venue as they won’t allow you to enter without an identity card and Gujarat Vidyut Sahayak admit card. Also check all the details like name, date of birth, age, exam date, exam venue, exam name, registration number, invigilator’s signature, etc. Do not forget to go through the rules and regulations mentioned at the end of the admit card. Carry all documents along with your admit card like Aadhaar card, voter card, license, passport etc. if mentioned in the rules below. Keep checking the GETCO website for regular updates and notifications.

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