What I Wish I Knew About My Betta Fish (Before I Bought One)


You’ve probably seen them in your local pet store or maybe even at a friend’s house. Maybe you’ve even seen them in some of the cute fish tank videos on social media. But what is a betta fish? And why are so many people suddenly loving them? If you’re curious too, read on for getting more information about keeping a betta fish at home.

 Betta Fish Care and Requirements

Betta fish are renowned for their beautiful, often brightly-colored fins. But what do you do with a betta fish once you bring it home? To start with, make sure your betta fish has a tank that is at least 5 gallons in size so it can swim and not feel cramped. A 10-gallon tank should be even better if you have the space.  Additionally, your betta needs a lot of room to grow and needs plenty of plants or other things to provide cover.

You also need gravel or some other material on the bottom of your tank. Gravel helps keep the water clean by absorbing any waste from your betta and also gives them a place to lay eggs when they feel like it.

One of the most important parts of caring for a betta fish is making sure it has enough space to grow. Betta fish can live for around 2 years, but if it doesn’t have enough room to grow, it will usually die after about 1 year. If you have a small tank and add more fish, the betta will probably just die. It’s important to remember this when buying a bigger tank for your pet.

 Betta Fish Personality Traits

Betta fish are, for the most part, solitary creatures. They don’t usually enjoy the company of other betta fish and find it stressful to be in close proximity to another betta fish. If you plan on keeping a male and female betta together in the same tank, make sure they have plenty of space.

The males will start to fight each other if they feel threatened or territorial. Females can live together without any issues, but it’s not recommended due to their solitary nature.

Betta fish are also very intelligent creatures with advanced memory skills. They are able to learn tricks and even remember up to 3 different tricks. These little guys know how to get what they want and will often show off their skills when they catch your eye while you’re cleaning their tank.

 Betta Fish Origin and History

Betta fish originated in Thailand and are called Siamese fighting fish. They were bred for their beauty and aggressive behavior.

The betta fish was originally a game fish that was bred to be more aggressive. In fact, there’s even an annual tournament where betta fish fight one another. The winner of the tournament becomes the champion of that year. But as time went on, people noticed how beautiful these little fishes were, so they began to breed them purely for aesthetics–to keep them as pets in their homes.

 Betta Fish Behaviour and Temperament

Betta fish are one of the most recognizable species in the pet trade thanks to their bright colors and beautiful fins.

A betta fish will start out as a small, cute little baby with a big personality. But don’t let its small size fool you – as it grows, it can grow up to two inches long.

When you first get your betta fish, it’ll be in one of those small cups that they sell at the store. Your new friend will need to be put into a home before it can live with you.

All right, so now that we know what they look like when they’re babies and how big they’ll get, what do they need to live?

 Betta Fish Care and Feeding

They may be small, but they are some of the most popular fish in the world. Betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are a popular addition to any fish tank because they’re beautiful and easy to care for. But don’t be fooled by the name “Siamese fighting fish.” Though betta fish do like to fight with each other from time to time, it is actually illegal in many states and countries to breed them for fighting purposes.

Betta fish are not difficult to care for, but still need a few things to live happily at home. They need a lot of space as they grow up so try not to keep them in anything smaller than a 10-gallon tank.

They also prefer being in warm water that’s between 78º-82º F. You should feed your betta one pellet per day; the pellets should have various nutrients and come either floating or sinking. If you’re interested in breeding your betta at home (a topic we will address later), you will need a heated breeding tank with plants, hiding places and an airstone for aeration. It may be hard work, but caring for betta fish is worth it once you see how beautiful they can become.


So you want to get a Betta Fish, but you don’t know much about them. No worries. This article has all the information you need to ensure that you’re getting a healthy and friendly fish.

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