What Are The Negative Health Effects Of Wearing Bad Shoes?


Do you ever have the feeling that your feet are tired, sore, and in pain? Everyone has had an experience with foot pain at one time or another. It can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. Unfortunately, wearing the wrong shoes is a very common practice. This is because more people are becoming increasingly busy and opting to buy shoes that need little or no breaking in period. The best way to relieve the pain is to take off one’s shoes because wearing bad shoes may cause pain to your soles and feet in general. Here are more negative effects of wearing bad shoes and how to avoid them.

7 Negative Effects of Wearing Bad Shoes and Suitable Solutions

Foot Aches

Wearing bad shoes can cause your feet to ache. It is important to note that wearing bad shoes will make your feet tired, and they will ache because of the excess pressure exerted on them. This results in your feet feeling weak.

Wearing the right style of shoe helps eliminate foot fatigue and ensures that your feet are comfortable.

Heel Pain

Have you ever experienced having heel pain? Wearing bad shoes can cause heel pain because they tend to rub your heels more than necessary, which results in friction. This friction causes blisters and pain.

It is important to note that wearing the wrong style of shoe can cause heel pains. Wearing shoes with heels that are too high can lead to your feet slipping forward in them, which is why they cause friction on your heels rather than supporting them. You should instead opt for low heels or flat shoes to avoid having heel pain.

Broken Toenails

Wearing bad shoes can break your toenails because they tend to press down too hard on them, which leads to the nail rubbing against the footwear and eventually getting broken off. It is important to note that wearing low heels or flat shoes does not exert too much pressure on your nails.


Wearing bad shoes can cause damages to the bunion on your foot. This is because when you wear bad shoes, they can rub against your feet excessively, which forces them to touch at unnatural angles.

Wearing the right type of shoe eases this friction by allowing room for the feet to carry out their natural function without causing excessive pressure.


Wearing bad shoes can cause verrucas, which are hard bumps that grow on your feet due to constant skin-on-skin contact, which mostly occurs when one wears bad shoes.

Wearing the right type of shoe helps avoid verrucas because it facilitates free movement and prevents your feet from rubbing against each other excessively.

If you love running in the morning or jogging, you can get a good pair of mens running trainers to keep you comfortable as you run. It is important to note that wearing bad shoes for running may cause severe ankle sprains and blisters.

Bad Odour

Have you ever had the experience of your feet smelling bad? Wearing bad shoes can cause smelly feet because they don’t allow adequate airflow to reach the feet, which results in it moistening and deteriorating.

It is important to note that wearing shoes with a high vamp or tight-fitting shoes can cause smelly feet. In order to prevent your feet from smelling, you should wear the right type of shoes that allow airflow and ensure that your toes remain separated from each other.

Foot Fungus

Wearing bad shoes for too long without wearing socks can cause foot fungus because the feet sweat excessively due to constant rubbing against the inside of your footwear, which causes an imbalance in foot chemistry.

It is important to note that if you wear shoes made from synthetic materials for too long, the sweat becomes trapped within them and mixes with bacteria which cause foot fungus. Wearing shoes made from natural materials like cotton helps avoid this condition.

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Wearing bad shoes can cause negative health effects, such as heel pain, broken toenails, and verrucas. It is therefore important to wear the right type of shoe for your feet. All these problems can be remedied with the correct shoe. As the buyer, always remember that getting the right shoe is an act of self-care.

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