Understanding Why Different Body Types Require Different Diet Plans


Our bodies take on a variety of shapes and forms. For example, you might have an hourglass figure or a cone body type with huge busts and tiny legs. Alternatively, you might have an ectomorph type of body and be very thin, or you could be an endomorph, which means that you tend to gain weight quickly. Whatever your body type or shape is, we’ve got a complete food and exercise plan for you to follow. Therefore, just identify the nature of your structure and begin working on it.

What Body Types Are There?

William Sheldon, a researcher, and psychologist came up with the idea of body types, or somatotypes, in the 1940s. Body type influences personality and social position, although this article just discusses the physical aspects of body types and what diet plan to follow according to your body shape. This means, you need a diet based on your DNA. Whether or not you are tall or short, thin or fat, you have a particular body type. There are three general body types: endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs. Each type has different dietary needs in order to maintain a healthy weight and body composition.


Endomorphs are the heaviest of the three body types. They tend to store more fat than other body types and have difficulty losing weight. Their muscle cells are larger than those of different body types, and they tend to have rounder, wider bodies.

  • Diet plan:

Endomorphs must follow the diet that maintains a negative energy balance for best results:

  • Fats
  • Balanced Carbs
  • High-Protein Diet


Mesomorphs tend to be the best built of the three body types. They gain muscle, lose fat very quickly, and generally keep a naturally high metabolism. As a result, Mesomorphs often find it easiest to maintain their ideal weight and build muscle. As a result, they have narrower waists and more muscular builds than the other body types.

  • Diet plan:

Maintaining a healthy body composition is more important than gaining muscle; so, follow the below guide:

  • Protein intakes should be increased to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight for muscle growth objectives, 
  • You can take 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for healthy body composition maintenance.


Ectomorphs are the thinnest of the three body types. They have a high metabolism and find it difficult to gain weight, even if they eat junk food regularly. As a result, Ectomorphs often have thin builds with little muscle mass or fat storage.

  • Diet plan:

It would help if you consumed the following diet to keep your energy levels stable:

  • Fats
  • Balanced Carbs
  • High-Protein Diet

Each body type needs to eat differently in order to stay healthy and maintain proper weight. Endomorphs need to eat fewer carbs and more protein than other body types to lose weight. Mesomorphs should focus on regularly eating because their metabolisms are fast enough to burn excess calories. Ectomorphs need to eat more frequently and focus on eating balanced meals with plenty of healthy carbs and protein.


Eating the right foods for your body type is essential for overall health. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, build muscle, and feel your best. In addition, focusing on your specific dietary needs will help you reach your fitness goals and stay healthy for years to come, just make sure to get proper information from trusted sources before starting, in case of trying out intemittent fasting for example, read an article about intermittent fasting for beginners so you can get the most our of your diet plan.

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