Morning blooming flowers that look gorgeous


When building a flower garden at your house, or planting flowering plants at your property, a little bit of planning goes a long way. Whether you’re paving the sidewalk with flowerbeds, or creating a lovely garden just outside your bedroom, being clear about your goal and expectations will help you big time. Nowadays, online floral delivery services can take care of all your floral needs, but if you want to build a garden by yourself, then following some rules will help.

If you have rooms overlooking the garden area, or if your garden is placed at a corner where people can glance easily while passing by, then planting colorful and vibrant flowers that bloom in the morning and shine throughout the day will make a lot of sense.

Generally, colorful flowers that don’t have a dominating fragrance bloom in the morning. The colors of the flowers attract the bees and butterflies during daytime. On the contrary, flowers that bloom at night are generally white and have intoxicating fragrance, and attract the pollinators through the aroma.

Of course, there are lots of exceptions to this rule. So, here are some of the best looking and most popular flowers that bloom at daytime.

  1. Morning glory:

Morning Glory flowers, as the name suggests, bloom at day time. These flowers come in various colors and patterns. Some of the most common colors are blue, pink, and purple. Planting and caring for morning glory plants are not the easiest job in the world. They need constant care and attention, or things can turn to disaster quickly. So, if you don’t have a lot of time allotted for gardening, you might give it a pass. Morning glories grow better in colder climates, but can also survive in comparatively warmer areas. They require abundant sunlight to bloom. The blooming time of Morning Glory flowers are generally late summer months till early fall (June to October).

  1. Daisy:

The term Daisy is literally derived from the expression Day’s Eye. So, naturally, it is common knowledge that daisies bloom in the morning and shine throughout the day. The yellow center surrounded by white petals resembles an eye, or some believe the sun. Daisies are perennial plants that bloom for a long time, throughout the summer and till the mid-fall season. Daisies are strong plant and can survive scarcity of water. Caring and maintaining for daisies are not very difficult because of their innate ability to resist most insects and other diseases. They even resist attacks of small animals like rabbit.

  1. Sunflower:

Sunflower, the distant cousin of Daisy, is another bright and beautiful flower that blooms at daytime. Sunflowers are one of the easiest plants to grow in a garden. If you’re an amateur gardener, you can start by planting sunflowers. It is very difficult to fail with sunflowers. They are strong plants that can survive lots of adversities and extremities. Sunflowers can be both annual and perennial in variety. Based on the one you choose, you’ll need to replant them over a specific period if you want to keep getting beautiful flowers.

  1. California Poppy:

California Poppy, a bright yellow variety of the more commonly available red poppies, bloom during the day. They are also known as the Golden Poppy and are generally used as ornamental plants or for creating flower beds. It is also the state flower of California. Based on the variety, California Poppy plants can be both perennial and annual. The petals of these flowers close at night and open with sunlight. On a cloudy day, they might not open at all.

Also read: Smartest Strategies To Send Quality Flowers To Loved Ones

So, these are the most popular and easily available flowering plants that bloom during the day. If you want to enjoy the beauty of your garden at day time and also want to show it off to other people, then planting these flowers in your garden will help. If however, gardening is not your thing and you’re looking for Thousand Oaks CA flower delivery services, rest assured, our online floral delivery service will take care of you. Visit our website and discover hundreds of floral products for every occasion. Get all of them delivered to your doorstep without any hassle and enjoy the everlasting charm of flowers. Visit now!

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