Common Myths About College


When you start college, it is likely that you will hear a lot of stories and rumors. Everyone has an opinion on college whether they have been or not, which inevitably means that there are a lot of myths out there. Unsurprisingly, many of these myths are untrue and spread by those that do not know what they are talking about, and are often designed to scare those that are starting college. This post will look at a few of the most common myths, which will hopefully help you to get a better idea of what to expect and alleviate any stress that you are feeling. 

You Have To Go To Parties To Make Friends

One of the biggest myths about college is that you have to go to parties to make friends. Parties are certainly a big part of the college experience, but you do not have to go to these to make friends and it is fine if you are someone that does not like parties. There are always other ways to enjoy your free time and make friends, including sports, clubs, societies and through your course.

Also read: Why do students use online essay writing services?

College Is For Rich People Only

Money is an obvious concern when it comes to attending college and many feel that you have to be rich or get a scholarship to attend a good college. This is not strictly true as there are many grants and schemes that can be used to make college more affordable, plus there are community colleges that are a lot more affordable. 

You Are Stuck At The College That You Chose

Choosing a college is a major decision and one that needs careful consideration. Even with careful consideration, sometimes people find that they are not happy at their college of choice and this could be for many different reasons. You should know that you are not stuck with this choice and it is possible to transfer. Check out CampusReel’s UC Santa Cruz transfer requirements to get an idea of what is involved in transferring to another college.

College Is For Young People

The traditional college experience is going after high school, but this does not mean that college is off the table when you are older. There is a demographic shift happening with many people that are 25+ now attending college, so you should not worry if you did not attend college straight after school and know that you will not be alone if you enroll. 

Missing Class Is Not A Problem

Another common myth is that you can easily miss classes and lectures without having to worry about it. Often, attendance is not taken and this can make it tempting to skip classes. Ultimately, you will be the one that suffers for this as it can be easy to fall behind (it is also a waste of your own money). While missing the odd class is fine, you do not want to make it a habit as it can be hard to catch up.

These are a few of the most common myths about college that will hopefully help you to get a better idea of what to expect at your school.

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