5 Yard Sign Marketing Tips for Your Small Business


For the past few years, yard signs have taken over the marketing industry by storm. From gorgeous business yard signs to real estate yard signs, you can see them everywhere.

Whether you prefer to promote your business, advertise your upcoming products or investment opportunity, yard signs or real estate signs are perfect to spread awareness about your brand. 

From standard yard signs to the larger ones, each of them is capable of boosting the growth and exposure of your business. However, you should pick the depending on your business. 

In this article, we will discuss 5 sign marketing tips that will enhance the visibility of your small business.

Use One-Sided Yard Signs

You will face difficulty finding a busy street where the traffic moves in both directions. So, if you choose a place with one-way traffic, then you should use one-sided yard signs. You can also pick 2 signs that have your message printed on a single side. This will help all drivers from different lanes to decipher your sign.

Use Contrasting Colors

Even though most people know the advantages of contrasting colors, they still often neglect it. If you use the same color for both the fonts of your message and the background of your sign, people won’t be able to decipher it. You can increase the visibility of your yard sign by choosing a very light color on a very dark color and vice versa. Additionally, remember that some people are colorblind. So, you should be careful while putting yellow/greens together or blue/greens together. 

Think Twice Before Using Logo

There are tons of famous logos out there that are extremely recognizable. But if you’re a startup or opening a new business or brand, your logo will fail to gain instant popularity or connection with your business. Remember that you use yard signs for one purpose only and that is customer acquisition. 

However, don’t assume that it’s inappropriate to showcase your business logo on a yard sign. You just have to wait until your brand receives popularity. If you want to display your logo, remember that the space is very limited on yard signs and you have to utilize them wisely.

Provide Specific Messages

Does your company offer a variety of services and products? Instead of displaying all of them, pick one product that is your favorite or you want to promote at that time and highlight the product on your yard signs

Once someone arrives at your store after noticing the yard sign, you can show them your additional products and services and provide information regarding them. Don’t forget that the goal of using yard signs is to attract customers to the store. 

Also read: Customized Birthday Banner

Keep the Sign Simple

Make sure the presentation of your yard sign is simple. According to Small Biz Trends, many people forget to add phone numbers to their yard signs. If possible, try to include the name of your business with the message and phone number. You can use intersection if you like to include additional information such as an address, website, social media profile, email, etc. Also, if the phone number you’re using is local to the area, then you can exclude the area code. 


These are the yard sign marketing tips that can benefit your small business. Remember that yard signs work like other outdoor advertising platforms. The more attractive the sign, the better the engagement rate you’ll receive. Don’t neglect to choose the proper font and size of your sign. Apart from that, research before choosing materials for your sign.

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