5 Various Types Of Protein Powder You Should Know About


With adequate exercise, you need the proper diet to help you see the results faster. Hence, you need to consider, along with the advised diet, which protein powder is ideal for you.

Many individuals, exercising regularly and following a diet, find it difficult to differentiate between the different types of proteins. In addition, knowing which kind of protein powder you require is essential because only then will you see the desired results.

If you’re wondering which protein powder you need and why this post will help you determine, read on!

What You Need to Know About Protein Powders

Protein powders are concentrated sources of proteins. The concentrates are derived from various sources such as animals or plants – dairy, eggs, peas, etc.

You will find three common forms of protein powders.

●   Protein concentrates: These forms are derived from whole food by heating or using acid or enzymes. You can attain 60 to 80% protein from protein concentrates and 20 to 40% carbs or fats. 

●   Protein isolates: These forms go through an additional filtration process to remove the fats and carbs. The concentrate has 90 to 95% protein.

●   Protein hydrolysates: In this form of concentrate, the bonds between amino acids are broken through further heating with acid or enzyme. Your body and muscles absorb protein hydrolysates more quickly than any other form.

Understanding the forms of protein concentrates helps you determine which kind of protein powder you would need.

Various Types of Protein Powders

As you will find several protein powders, it is essential to differentiate between them and understand which one is beneficial. In this section, you will learn to distinguish between them.

Whey Protein Powder

The liquid that remains after milk is curdled and strained is whey.

Whey protein powder has two types: protein concentrates containing 29 to 90% of protein and protein isolates containing 90% protein.

Who can benefit from it: Individuals following a dairy-free diet or who have trouble digesting lactose can benefit from whey protein powder. Moreover, it is excellent for athletes.

Casein Protein Powder

The slow-release protein found in milk and cheese is Casein.

Casein protein powder digests slower than other types of proteins. A standard scoop of this powder contains 24 grams of protein.

Who can benefit from it: Individuals who are obese and wish to reduce weight gain can benefit from casein protein powder.

Soy Protein Powder

If you’re a vegan, you can try soy protein powder as they are plant-based.

Soy protein powder contains 23 grams of protein per serving.

Who can benefit from it: Individuals who seek to balance hormones, lose weight, increase energy, and/or build muscles can benefit from soy protein powder.

Egg Protein Powder

You get egg protein powder derived from eggs.

The average egg protein powder has 23 grams of protein per scoop.

Who can benefit from it: Egg protein powder is ideal for you if you’re training to increase strength in resistance.

Mixed Plant Protein Powder

The protein powder derived from plants is mixed plant proteins. If you’re a vegan, you can try this protein powder.

An average mixed plant protein powder provides 20 grams of protein per serving. However, as mixed plant proteins largely depend on the companies’ ingredients, the quantity of protein can defer.

Who can benefit from it: Trying to improve gut health? Mixed plant protein can help. Individuals can also use mixed plant protein during weight loss programs.

Wondering how much protein you should take? According to the Dietary Reference Intake report, an average human requires 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Moreover, you can take the advice of your dietitian to add or remove proteins from your diet. Besides, protein powder can be a great help to you if you’re looking for an additional source of proteins.

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