5 Quick Ways To Calm Down When You’re Overwhelmed

The hectic routine and all the deadlines and responsibilities of adult life can really get to you – not to mention how multiple lock downs, social isolation, and the stress of watching your loved ones fall sick. This doesn’t even cover the full list of all the possible reasons you might be feeling overwhelmed in daily life. 

The problem is that we can’t control our daily lives and the issues that affect us. What we can do, however, is to control our reactions to these issues and the way we cope with them. There are certain tricks that can help you calm down immediately while you’re feeling stressed, like taking a walk or engaging in some much needed self care. 

Keep reading to find out more about dealing with being overwhelmed, and how to stop it from happening altogether. 

1. Control the News You Consume 

The world is in chaos and there’s hardly any good news online, and it might get a bit too much sometimes. No one is going to hold some “me time” against you, so if you think you can’t take any more bad stuff, take a step back from social media and the news. 

Great advice from Me Time Box and their blog like reading something different, spending time with your friends in an online hangout and even taking some alone time for yourself are all great ways to deal with stress. 

2. Change the Mood 

If you ever feel overwhelmed in a certain setting, change the mood or the atmosphere around you. A great way to do that is to take a walk, or to listen to music that makes you feel happy. 

This has a really big effect on our mood and our thoughts, and a change of scenery can always put things into perspective and help us think more clearly about them. 

3. Breathing Exercises 

Breathing exercises are known to calm you down when you’re feeling angry or overwhelmed or stressed. If you feel any of these emotions, make sure to take deep breaths in and out. 

This will help you focus better and give you a clearer head. Most times, things are not as extreme as they seem to us. 

Scott Dehorty, LCSW-C, of Delphi Behavioral Health talks about breathing and says “Breathing is the number one and most effective technique for reducing anger and anxiety quickly.” 

4. Try to Think Critically 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, chances are things aren’t even as bad as they seem in your head. If you’re thinking about all the ways it can go wrong, ask yourself – how likely really is it for this particular event or set of events to happen? 

Or try to shift your focus towards the positive outcomes of this scenario as well. Think about all the good things that can happen, as well as some scenarios that aren’t unbelievably ideal but also not so bad that they make you panic. 

Also read: Why is it a better choice for applying for a copayment definition with all?

5. Write it Down or Talk to Someone 

Once you put your inner monologue out there and listen to it being said out loud you’ll realize how you were probably worrying over nothing. This is why writing your feelings down or talking through them with a loved one are great ideas. 

Even if the things you’re worried about will most likely happen, some reassurance from your friends can really help you feel calmer and better about it all, and help ease your mind. 

Of course, be acreful who you share your feelings with and make sure they are someone you trust and value. Sharing your thoughts and fears with the wrong person can lead to regret later, and even more anxiety in some cases.