5 Corporate Travel Policy Best Practices to Follow


Bad business trips could cost you an important deal. It will definitely make your employees unhappy. Luckily, there’s no reason why business trips shouldn’t be a pleasant experience.

A good corporate travel policy is key to good business trips. Travel policies prevent problems and plan ahead for when they arise. If you haven’t evaluated your travel policy, now is the time.

These are five of the best practices for your company to follow. Following these will ensure that your business’s next business trip is an excellent one.

1. Streamlined Booking

Book as much as you can in one place.

With so many booking and travel websites, it’s hard to keep track of everything. Booking your flight, hotel, and insurance on three separate websites isn’t a good idea.

If something goes wrong, separate bookings become chaotic.

Book all of your travel arrangements through one website or service. That way your employee doesn’t have to deal with the troubleshooting.

Here is some good information on how corporate travel booking works.

A streamlined booking process will also make it easier for your employee to keep track of information.

You want your employee to be focused on business during the trip.

When you’re stressed about travel details, you can’t focus on work.

An efficient booking leads to more efficient travel.

2. Dynamic Budgeting

There are two types of budgeting: static and dynamic.

Static budgeting permits a certain amount of money per night. This isn’t ideal.

Dynamic budgeting allows for variation in budgets. For example, let’s say you send an employee to meet a customer in a rural area. You send another employee to a conference in New York City.

The hotel room in New York City is going to be much more expensive.

Other costs such as food and transportation will also be higher.

Your company’s budget needs to allot money dynamically. Don’t make your employees worry about going over budget or having to suffer a terrible hotel room.

The downside to dynamic budgeting is that employees might find it unfair.

Communicate your reasons for dynamic budgeting. They should understand.

3. Easy Approval Process

Business trips usually need to be approved beforehand.

Sometimes opportunities come up unexpectedly. If this is the case, it’s better to skip the bureaucracy and book things as soon as possible.

For ordinary business trips planned in advance, pre-approval should be required.

However, pre-approval shouldn’t take days or weeks.

Waiting to book flights and hotels will only make costs rise. You will bear the costs of higher prices. Not your employee.

It’s also better for employee morale.

Business trips can be fun, but staff might need to arrange child care. Or they might put off planning something else.

Respect your employees by having an efficient approval process.

It will also help you plan and evaluate your company budget.

4. Flexibility

Things can go wrong during travel.

Flights can get canceled. Hotels can be overbooked. People get sick.

Your budget needs to have some wiggle room. If something goes wrong, employees shouldn’t be paying for things out of pocket.

If your employee is stuck at an airport for hours, offer to pay for their meal.

Make sure that any unexpected costs will be covered or that you will reimburse your employee.

Traveling employees might have to make decisions quickly.

Support them in the reimbursement process.

Also read: How Much Should You Spend On Rent In Boston?

5. Reward Your Employees

A business trip should be fun, but it doesn’t need to be luxurious.

Encourage employees to make smart, cheap decisions during travel.

Maybe ask them to choose a cheaper restaurant or cut back on some of the amenities they’re used to.

If employees are making good financial decisions while traveling, reward them later on. These rewards don’t necessarily have to be monetary.

Here is a list of good non-financial ways to treat your employees.

Travel can be stressful. Your employees might not enjoy it as much as you think.

Make sure your staff knows they are appreciated.

The happier your employees are, the more motivated they will be to work.


Good business travel means leads to good business. The only way to ensure that happens is a good corporate policy. Follow this advice so your next business trip is better than the last.

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