The Ultimate Guide To Air Conditioning Maintenance


If you are looking to install a new air conditioning unit, it can seem like an overwhelming task at first. But with this guide, you will learn all the steps so that you can be comfortable around your new AC machine. This article is a comprehensive list of things that you should do while having this special piece of equipment in your home.

What you need for cold weather

Air conditioning can be a lifesaver in the summer months, but it can also become a significant expense if not properly maintained. In this article, we will provide you with a guide on how to keep your air conditioner running optimally in the cold weather months.

Regular system cleaning 

One of the most important things you can do to keep your AC running efficiently is to clean out the filters regularly. This will help to remove dirt, dust, and other particles that can lead to decreased performance and even system failure. To do this, simply unfasten the filter cover and hoover it out. Don’t use harsh chemicals or abrasives as this could damage the unit. Simply rinse off the filter afterward and replace it.

Upright positioning 

When your AC is in use, it needs to be placed in an upright position so that the fans can work best. When your unit is not in use, you should store it on its side so that it does not take up unnecessary space. This will also help minimize damage to the compressor or motor if accidentally hit.

Seasonal maintenance schedule

Many Air Conditioning Maintenance Contractors offer seasonal maintenance schedules starting in Spring or early Summer and continuing through Fall or late Winter. These schedules typically include check-ups and repairs that should be performed at those specific times to maximize system efficiency and lifespan. Schedule regular inspections by your local HVAC contractor to ensure proper equipment performance in all seasons!

When you should change your filters

If your AC is not cooling properly or seems to be lacking in power, it’s time to change your filters. The compressor wears down over time and can no longer deliver adequate cooling. Every six months or as needed, the filters should be changed. A  standard  20x23x1 air filter can be used to replace the filters.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sensors measure the concentration of various pollutants in the indoor air and will alert you if levels rise above a certain threshold. If the AC is not operating at its full potential because of dirty filters, it could be exacerbating the problem. Replace them as necessary.

Compressor efficiency decreases with time, so it’s important to check it every 12 months for regular maintenance. This includes changing the filters as needed.

Cleaning the filter with vinegar and baking soda

If your AC unit is not cooling properly or has been producing strange noises for some time, it may be time to clean the filter. This can be done by mixing together one cup of white vinegar and one teaspoon of baking soda in a spray bottle and spraying it through the air conditioner’s filters. This will help to take out any built-up dust and debris and improve airflow.

Also Read: In-House or Outsourced Data Labeling – Which Gives Better AI Results?

Cleaning the filter with vinegar, baking soda, and pine needles

Cleaning the filter with vinegar, baking soda, and pine needles will help to clean the air conditioner and maintain it in good working order. Vinegar is a natural acid that will break down limescale and build up on the cooling coils. Baking soda is an adsorbent that will remove oils, grease, and other debris from the cooling unit. Pine needles are a natural source of anti-inflammatory agents which can help to reduce the amount of dust and dander created by air conditioning units.

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