Skin Care to Combat Aging


With age comes wisdom…and wrinkles. Everybody begins to show signs of aging eventually, whether it’s that first gray hair or first forehead line. While each passing year brings new experiences and life lessons, most people still yearn to retain the good looks of their youth. Unfortunately, medical science has yet to cure aging, but steps can be taken to slow the process.

What Causes Aging Skin

Wrinkles, sun spots, and sagginess are signs of aging skin. Usually, these signs appear over time as skin cells endure damage from sun exposure, inflammation, free radicals, and the body’s own biological processes. With age, skin cells will also experience a decreased ability to repair themselves, which slows down the production of collagen and elastin. These proteins are responsible for the traits that make skin look youthful, such as plumpness and firmness. Once the proteins are depleted, skin begins to thin, sag, and develop wrinkles.

While our skin ages naturally on its own, lifestyle choices can be another cause of skin aging. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and daily caffeine intake can exacerbate the signs of aging. Adequate sleep, hydration, diet, and even balanced application of Korean skincare Beauty of Joseon,are also vital for supporting the skin’s self-repair function. Therefore, people who make a habit of not getting enough rest and eating a poor diet will eventually show the consequences of these habits in their skin.

Some factors, such as the passage of time or the body’s metabolism, can’t be controlled. The factors that can be controlled include diet, exercise, sleep, and an effective skincare regimen. Aging skin can be prevented from within by being as healthy as possible. Once the baseline of health is established, a regular skincare routine can be built to address any specific issues.

Skin Care Tips by Decade

The best way to keep skin youthful is to start as early as possible before signs of damage begin to show. Lifestyle habits like drinking enough water and getting a full night’s sleep is a good start. The next step is to identify a skincare strategy that preserves and protects skin health to keep aging at bay.

Daily SPF

Wearing sunblock everyday is the first defense against aging. Not only does it prevent sunburns, sun spots, and wrinkles, daily SPF use is recommended by doctors for defense against skin cancer. Generally, a minimum SPF of 30 is recommended for daily use, while SPF 60 is recommended for days you plan to spend outdoors. When using SPF, be sure to reapply throughout the day and apply some to your neck and hands, which are just as likely to age alongside the face. A good way to remember to apply SPF everyday is to keep it next to your toothpaste.

In Your 20s

Most adults in this category are likely to experience lingering acne issues from adolescence, so wrinkles and sagging are probably not a concern as of yet. A mild cleanser and noncomedogenic moisturizer is a good baseline regimen for keeping skin healthy. Products containing retinol will help stimulate cell turnover which has both anti-aging and acne-fighting benefits. Retinoids make skin more sensitive to sun damage, so these types of products should be applied at night before bed and used in conjunction with a daily SPF.

In Your 30s

In this decade, skin will generally begin to lose the “glow” of youth. This is normally due to accumulated environmental damage and a slowdown in cellular function on the skin’s surface. At this point, the focus of the skincare regimen shifts to exfoliating, resurfacing, and brightening.

There are a few more products that will be useful in addition to the routine that got you through your 20s. Eye creams will protect against stress and dehydration in the delicate skin around the eyes. Dull, surface cells can be treated with a weakly scrub or peel containing alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy acid to reveal younger, fresher looking skin. Along with the daily routine, an antioxidant serum after cleansing and before moisturizing will combat inflammation, promote healing, and improve skin texture. Getting regular facials also boosts moisture and improves circulation for bright, fresh skin.

In Your 40s

Usually, this is the age where signs of aging become more common. For women, their skin problems can be further complicated as they approach menopause and the hormonal changes associated with it. These hormonal changes may necessitate a shift to different products with a heavy emphasis on anti-aging ingredients, such as peptides and hyaluronic acid. Visit and look for tons of information about peptides and how the body benefits.

The 40s are also a good time to consider medical interventions on top of a solid skincare routine. With the guidance of a doctor, a prescription-strength retinol can effectively treat fine lines before they deepen into permanent wrinkles. Advanced signs of aging can be addressed with injectable treatments, such as Botox. Botox is an injectable cosmetic procedure that is affordable and only has minimal downtime. It is crucial to have Botox administered by experts who have been trained in doing so, but it is a key way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles as you grow older. 

50s and Above

Skin has lost most of its ability to produce oil and stay hydrated by the 50s, so dryness and fat loss are the main concerns at this age. Skincare should therefore focus on nourishing and moisturizing. For daily cleansing, many people are now opting for cleansing oils that cleans out pores without stripping the skin of its natural defensive barrier. It’s also appropriate to use hyaluronic acid daily to promote hydration through a serum or cream. For an extra push, cosmetic fillers can help build up areas of the face that have sagged with age.

Not Only Skin Deep

In general, looking and feeling good go hand-in-hand. With very few exceptions, people who live healthy lifestyles tend to look younger, and much of that has to do with how their habits promote good-looking skin. Skincare products have come a long way since the days of cold creams and talcum powder, but they can’t coverup a poor diet or a serious smoking habit. If you’re on top of your diet and don’t smoke, supplements such as NAD Mexico or list of IV treatments and a healthy lifestyle can promote healthy, youthful-looking skin. For anti-aging, choose the correct regimen to fit your needs and consult a dermatologist with any skin concerns you may have.

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