Significance of A Sarong In Cambodia?


Because they are considered out of style in Cambodia’s urban districts, sarongs are most often seen being worn by people in rural areas who are middle-aged or older. On the other hand, we very seldom see young ladies wearing these dresses in rural areas. The sarong is today quite popular, even though certain well-known Cambodian celebrities and other companies create it in a manner that is distinct from the traditional method. Sampots, also known as dresses, are versatile garments worn by either a man or a woman, depending on the style. Put it on every single day. Only members of traditionalist households are permitted to wear dresses at home. This ensemble is appropriate for wearing outside the home, for instance, while going to a shop that is close.

How Should a Sarong Be Tied?

To dress oneself, one must first wrap the fabric around one’s waist and then draw it away from the body. At Angkor Wat, you may see Khmer ladies wearing the Sampot and securing the knot between their legs with a metallic belt. Angkor Wat is where you can find these women. In this manner, guests will have the opportunity to try on the fashionable Sampot and document their interactions with the local culture. In a hurry, you may throw one on as a makeshift coverup, use it as a towel, bring it along as a picnic blanket, or even tie it around your head as a hair scarf. This dress is dang adaptable. Just ask the ladies who have been wearing them for decades in India, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

Regarding beachwear, such a dress is much simpler than a tunic that needs to pull over your head (because you’ll probably knock off your glasses and sunhat in the process). It is significantly more comfortable than denim cutoffs (who came up with the idea that these would be a good idea in the first place?). A tried-and-true method is nothing wrong, like tying two of the square’s corners together at your hip and calling it a day.

Do Cambodians Typically Wrap Their Bodies In Traditional Clothes?

There are over 200 distinct designs in the Sampot Hol, each with a unique hue. Some patterns are yellow, some are brown, others are red, and others are blue. The primary themes of Sampot Hol are found in nature and include flowers, geometric shapes, and animals. Sam Holpot is crafted using time-honoured methods indigenous to Cambodia, such as twill weave and chong kiet weaving. The Sampot is the garment that represents Cambodia internationally. There are some differences in the traditional garb worn in Laos and Thailand, but overall, the clothes are pretty similar to what is worn in nearby nations. Krama is a traditional Cambodian garment constructed of durable fabrics worn by both men, women, and children. 

Cotton or silk may be used to produce this traditional Khmer dress. The majority of these are created by women living in rural regions. You are free to refer to it as a Khmer dress if you like it. The Khmer word for this dress is also referred to as the SOMPOT. It is still a standard option for those of lower social groups, both in terms of men and women.

Also read: 5 Corporate Travel Policy Best Practices to Follow


These dresses are enormous tubes or lengths of cloth wrapped around the waist and worn by men and women across most of Indonesia. They are also popularly referred to as Indonesian skirts. Both men and women sport a sarong. It is usual practice to refer to sarongs, which are tubular skirts that may be worn by either men or women, as tubular skirts.

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