Sick While on Vacation? These Tips Can Help


After spending months planning your dream vacation, you don’t want to spend a single second sick in bed. But contagious germs, unusual foods or other factors could make you sick as you travel. And it’s impossible to enjoy your vacation when you develop a cough, upset stomach, sniffles, or fatigue. Thankfully, an online doctor can put you on the road to recovery. Learn more tips that make the remainder of your vacation and your trip home bearable despite an illness.

Remain Calm

Sure, getting sick is annoying and disruptive. And some symptoms like an ongoing fever or diarrhea are scary. But before you panic and cancel your vacation, pause. Try to stay calm. Stress can actually make your symptoms worse and distract you from finding a solution.

Monitor Your Symptoms

As soon as you feel sick, note your exact symptoms and when they started. Also, track the intensity of your symptoms, including if they get better, worse or stay the same. If your symptoms seem to improve, great! But if you notice you’re getting worse, consider consulting a medical professional.

Contact an Online Doctor

While you might be able to manage minor symptoms with rest, you may also need professional intervention. Definitely contact a doctor if you experience:

  • Worsening symptoms
  • Constant high fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Concussion symptoms like dizziness, confusion or headache
  • Unexplained mood changes
  • Chest, abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Changes in urination or bowel movements
  • Vision changes, including bright flashes

Listen to your body and your instincts, too. Even if you don’t experience any of these conditions, you may need medical intervention. Ere on the side of caution as you protect yourself.

An online doctor should be your first stop. Telehealth is available 24/7 and accessible via text chat, audio, video, or a combination. Also, using an online doctor means you can talk to a medical professional who speaks your language and understands your needs. From the comfort of your vacation bed, talk to a doctor who could help you get back to having fun. Find the assistance you need whether you travel to remote international destinations or nearby urban locales.

Inform Your Travel Companions

Some vacation illnesses like heartburn are not contagious. They simply happen after you overindulge in delicious foods and drinks. But if you contract a contagious illness, practice courtesy and inform your travel companions of your symptoms. They can then decide to monitor their own health or even book a separate room.

You may also wish to implement hygiene practices that reduce the spread of germs and infections. For example, disinfect the surfaces you touch, don’t share a bed or room key, and practice proper hand washing.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

When you’re sick, you may not feel like drinking or eating. Your body needs the proper nourishment to heal, though.

That’s why you want to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of clean, fresh water. Options like Gatorade and Pedialyte can also help you rehydrate and replenish lost nutrients and electrolytes. Even tea, soda, coffee, or foods high in water like watermelon hydrate your body and promote healing.

Be sure to eat a bland diet, too. Stick with nourishing foods that don’t aggravate your symptoms. After you feel better, you can indulge in the spicy, rich or raw foods that make your vacation destination special.

Make Time to Rest

Sure, you want to see all the sights on your dream vacation, but now’s the time to rest. Adequate rest boosts your immune system and helps your body heal faster. So, plan to go to bed early and take naps as needed while you recover.

If you’re simply feeling a little under the weather and are able to get out and about, downsize your itinerary. For example, relax by the pool or the beach instead of swimming or jet skiing. Take a guided bus tour instead of hiking the town. Watch a movie or play card games as a family instead of sightseeing.

Of course, if you’re contagious, plan to quarantine in your room. Take advantage of room service and enjoy hot showers or baths with aromatherapy. Also, ask for extra pillows and get comfy as you watch TV, read or sleep.

Medicate Properly

Medication can relieve symptoms. For example, you may pack a variety of over-the-counter medicines that manage indigestion, diarrhea or sinus pressure.

Always follow the dosage instructions, though. Taking more than the recommended dose won’t cure your symptoms. In fact, overmedicating could cause your symptoms to worsen or create more serious health issues.

Likewise, only take legal and authentic medication. Never consume unverified or random drugs. Instead, use the medications you personally brought from home or purchased locally from a reputable pharmacy. Always prioritize safety as you heal.

Also read: The Benefits of Using Mineral-Based Sheer Sunscreen for Face

Look for the Positive

Getting sick on vacation is not a to-do item on your itinerary. Fortunately, you can remain positive and make the most of the situation. In the words of world traveler Anthony Bourdain, “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you.”

Rather than let your illness ruin your trip, see the silver lining. Enjoy all the free time you have to rest and relax. Open the curtains and enjoy the view. Or use your free time to practice the local language or start a new hobby like drawing or writing. You could also talk with your caregivers, including your travel companions and the hotel room service staff. And consider that you now have an interesting vacation story to tell your friends when you get home. Learning First Aid Courses in Toronto would be helpful so you can acquire skills that are necessary for dealing with emergency situations especially when you are on vacation.

Whether your vacation illness keeps you in bed for a few hours or a few days, remember that it’s temporary. In addition to consulting an online doctor, implement these tips as you assess your situation and get back on your feet or home safely.

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