Many Defense Strategies Available Whether You’re a Victim of Crime or Not


The Big Apple Extortion and Blackmail are available in a variety of “flavors” and “sizes,” as well. It’s not uncommon for these instances to be as distinctive as the people involved, both the victims and criminals. Even though the law is plainly on the side of the victim, many extortions, humiliation, money demands, and harassment victims are reluctant to go to the police. As an example, in certain cases, harassing behavior such as sending emails or making phone calls may not even be prosecutable under New York’s Penal Law. What if anything happens? Take a risk with your company, your name, or your personal relationships? Is there any way to put a stop to this misery? If a perpetrator’s activities violate the New York Penal Law, what should or can you do if you are the victim?
This blog item is not a replacement for a comprehensive evaluation of your unique situation. Rather than addressing your specific scenario, it will point out possible problems and how you may take charge of a situation that might otherwise ruin your whole existence. You can get our help in الجرائم الإلكترونية.
In the first place, if your ex-lover or husband or business partner does not demand property from you, it is possible that he or she is not genuinely committing blackmail or extortion in the traditional sense of the word. New York Penal Law 155.05(2) requires a person (the defendant or target) to coerce or try to compel you to provide him or her some form of property without going into considerable detail as the crime of Extortion (there is no crime termed “Blackmail”). If you comply with a demand, the severity of the offense is determined by the value of the property you surrendered as a result of the coercion. There is a “stick” in all of these instances, and it is the actual possibility that the extortionist may be sentenced to jail for four, seven, fifteen, or even twenty-five years in addition to being convicted for a crime. The chances of someone getting a life sentence at Rikers Island or another penitentiary are slim even if it doesn’t happen. Even if you don’t comply, a crime is still committed even if it’s somewhat less serious than the completed one if the demand is made and a significant effort is made. In any وحدة مكافحة الجرائم الإلكترونية, we can help you out.

Extortion, stalking, and other forms of escalating harassment are all examples of aggravated harassment. –

Article 156 of the New York Penal Law may include a violation. New York Computer Crimes are detailed in this section. It’s impossible for a blog post or website to handle your legal problems, so do your best to know the law and how you may use it to your advantage in court as a sword or a shield. How do you handle a stop and desist letter? Make “managed calls” with your lawyer and investigator or wear a wire to secure evidence with your lawyer and investigator? What can an expert attorney do if your former business partner, social, sexual, or other partner utilized the correct phrases to cause criminal action or assist you to formulate a response? Ultimately, do you want to do your own investigation, use a “sting” to capture the individual, or use the law to your advantage to settle civilly in court, outside court, or even in a way where you present an easily prosecutable case straight to federal, state, or local law enforcement? You may always change your mind later, but it’s critical to make sure evidence was properly gathered and analyzed so that it can be presented to prosecutors right away to avoid humiliation, media attention, a protracted inquiry, and other problems. When the time comes, you have the option of going the law enforcement or non-criminal path.

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