How to Provide In-house Sustainability Training To Your Employees


The key to creating a sustainable and engaged company is to find ways to get everyone on board. You want to train your employees about sustainability but don’t want to spend a fortune on expensive courses or workshops. Most people are curious about what is sustainable living. It can affect both your personal work life.

There are many ways a company can provide in-house sustainability training to its employees. However, before the work can get started, there are some tasks to take care of first.

Take Note Of Current Sustainability Practices

According to GetSmarter, “sustainability is key to ensuring a resilient future for all”. You must know where you are in terms of sustainability. This is the first step to taking the right steps to become more sustainable. Make sure all of your employees have access to your sustainability profile. This will allow them to easily find and access progress reports, and it will also give them a way to share their progress with their peers.

It is important to evaluate if the initiatives are getting enough traction to support them. For instance, if you are planning on including more plant-based meals into your catered food, training the individuals responsible for preparing and ordering the food is very important. There are also some initiatives where everyone needs to be trained for their success. For instance, a successful recycling program requires a broad training effort.

Describe Company Values That Encourage Wanting To Be More Sustainable

A well-written and clearly communicated sustainability statement will help your team communicate with one another and build a stronger foundation for social responsibility.

In-House Training Tips:

1. Host Teaching Sessions

If you don’t know where to begin teaching your employees about sustainability practices, you can hire outside help by organizing a monthly lunch or a group discussion with experts on a specific topic. They can come in and offer group discussions about where improvements can be made.

2. Create A Healthy Competition

Creating a healthy competition can help you reach your goals and make the process fun for everyone. It can also encourage team building and collaboration. Creating a green culture is a great way to motivate and reward employees.

3. Allow Employees To Train Peers

After completing the initial education, repeated re-enforcement is needed. This is because employees who are well-trained in the subject of sustainability can maintain momentum. Companies that implement peer-led training have found that it helps to communicate their brand message more effectively.

4. Creation Actionable Communication Lines

Being able to share useful information that’s immediately actionable can help employees improve their behavior. This is a form of “just-in-time” learning that helps encourage behavior changes.

Examples of Actionable Communication:

•Sending Company-Wide Emails

If you have a recurring issue that needs to be addressed, such as lights being left on, send emails with clear instructions. Send email newsletters to deliver bite-sized educational content. These can also foster two-way communication and feedback.

•Hang Signs In Common Areas

Reach employees where they are and remind them to conserve energy and water. These reminders can be placed in restrooms, break rooms and other areas that are commonly used by all employees. A variety of signs can be used to communicate important information to employees, such as a reminder to turn off lights or to reduce waste in the kitchen.

In-House Sustainability Training Is A Valuable Tool

Sustainability training helps employees overcome their resistance to change and expectations. It is also beneficial for businesses as it allows them to save money and improve their bottom line.

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