How To Keep Your Oriental Rugs Free From Damage


A Thorough Rug Cleaning Service is Your Guarantee to Good Results

Oriental rugs are among the world’s most beautifully crafted works of art. Depending on the rug’s craftsmanship, origin, and materials used, prices range from the hundreds to the tens of thousands of dollars. An Oriental rug that has been well-made is a work of art. If properly cared for, it is an investment that will last many generations. Household factors can damage even the most durable Oriental rugs. How can you prevent this damage? To avoid damage and keep your Oriental rugs safe from the elements, choose an Oriental rug cleaner or vacuum your rug on your own. For these types of rugs, Rug Cleaners are the best option. Because of their unique design, these carpets necessitate expert cleaning, maintenance, and repair to preserve their lifespan, strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal. These rugs can easily withstand multiple generations of use in the home if properly cared for, especially in high-traffic areas. However, any cleaning method will not do. It takes a master rug cleaner who is familiar with the construction, materials, stitching, fringes, and colors of a rug, as well as the best ways to preserve each of these features.

Before and After Results You’ll Love

Rug cleaners always give personal attention to your rugs. Dye bleeding, cross-contamination, shrinking, and damage are all avoided when rugs are cleaned by hand rather than by machine. 

Rug cleaning involves the following steps:

1. Inspection

Rug cleaners analyze the rug for any tears or damage that could be worsened by the cleaning procedure before beginning any cleaning. Rug cleaners inspect it with you to ensure you get the results you want.

2. Rug Dusting

Prior to beginning the rug cleaning process, rug cleaners remove dust by securely lifting it and removing any loose soil from the rug’s foundation.

3. Color testing 

Before bathing, each rug is examined for color bleeding. If the rug is dyed with vegetable or berry dyes, it may bleed more easily and will require additional product before washing to keep the colors in place.

4. Repairing

If necessary, repairs will be made in order to preserve the rug’s integrity.

5. Washing

With plenty of clean water and rug shampoo, rug cleaners will soak and wash both the front and back of the rug. Most rugs are washed with Oriental Rug Shampoo, which is particularly formulated to produce the best cleaning results while conserving natural fibers.

6. Rinsing 

 After shampooing, the rug is thoroughly rinsed to eliminate any remaining dirt, grime, or shampoo. The rug will be rinsed using extraction machinery or cleaned in a wash pit created specifically for Oriental Rugs, depending on the type of rug.

7. Rug Grooming 

 After the rug has been cleaned, it is ready for hand grooming. Rug cleaners use their hands to align the fringe and arrange the nap.

8. Drying

The rug is dried flat or allowed to dry in a controlled setting after the dirt has been washed away. To avoid unnatural shrinkage, it is crucial to dry properly.

9. Post-inspection 

Drug cleaners inspect the rug once it has dried to make sure there are no spottings or misaligned fringe.

10. Vacuum the rug 

The rug is vacuumed to remove any dust that may have surfaced during the cleaning process, as well as any grooming markings.

11. Ready to deliver

 The rug is either rolled or folded, wrapped, and tied for transport or pickup after completing the cleaning procedure.

12. Elimination of pet odors

The elimination of pet odor is one of the most typical rug cleaning issues. In order to permanently and thoroughly eradicate the germs that generate the odor, rugs with odors caused by pet urine must go through a different cleaning process. Alkaline salts form when pet urine dries. The alternate rug bathing method for pet odor removal breaks down these alkaline salts and eliminates the stink. 

So, a thorough rug cleaning service is your guarantee to good results. Take your rug to the best rug cleaning service. Your Oriental rugs can be restored to their original beauty with the help of a skilled Oriental rug cleaning service, making them look as good as new. After cleaning, you will be amazed at how much richer and brighter your rugs appear.

13. Best results 

You will get the best results after rug cleaning. Rug cleaning will extend your rug’s life and help keep your home healthy. This cleaning is necessary to prevent the growth of fungi, bacteria, and mold. Rug cleaning will remove loose dirt, pet hair, and other debris, but it is also necessary to prevent the growth of fungi, bacteria, and mold. Most rugs should be cleaned every 12-18 months as a general guideline, but depending on a number of factors, you may want to clean them more frequently or less frequently. It all depends on the sort of rug you have, your lifestyle, and the elements to which your rugs are subjected.


This rug cleaning process will assist in protecting and preserving your Oriental carpets for as long as possible. If you want the best results, choose a rug cleaning service.

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