How to Gain Command on English?


India is now a developing country, and most of its sources are interlinked with other countries. Though there are many countries with which India trades, we don’t know or sign deals in all the languages. Even when we deal in political and bureaucratic matters, we don’t document in the Chinese language. The language in which all the deals and commands are communicated in English. Political and issues of government and private industries are quite dominant to use English as their formal language. Seeing the growing demand for the English language, one would often wonder How to Gain Command of English? You don’t have to investigate much regarding it because we will let you experience it. So keep reading and learn more.

1. Start with basics

Most people who have had an English background or have been learning the language since the early years of education generally forget the basics. Knowing something doesn’t mean constantly reciting the new areas, but it also insists on revising or brushing the basics. You may learn new vocabulary and harsh words, but making a small mistake in any simple word may feel embarrassing.

2. Write the words

It is quite a boring process but a very efficient one. This will assist you in learning the words everlastingly. All you need to do is whenever you come across a word or a new vocabulary, write it down in a diary or a notebook and focus on spelling vocabularyWe hardly get time to go through the dictionary or search for new words in our day-to-day life, but it will help us stand apart and learn more.

3. The actor’s technique

This is an exciting methodology that professional dramatists and actors use. It may happen that in the first attempt, you will not get success in learning English. Now, let me tell you what you require to do with this technique. Take a passage from your favorite novel, a poem of any English text, if you are starting. Read it line by line and try to feel the words while acting and accessing your emotions in the mirror. This method has multiple benefits.

a) It will improve your diction in English) You will get a command over your voice modulation.

c) You will also observe a new and fresh level in your confidence as they constantly practice speaking.

4) Read aloud 

This one is quite the same as the preceding technique. But the objective of this activity is, to some extent, dissimilar. All you require to do is try to read it out loud at whatever time you read a book in English. Reading it aloud will help you detect your errors in pronunciation. You will get dictation for class 1 and other grades to choose from, as per your standard and level.

5) Consult Grammar books

Grammar is one of the essential things in any language, be it English, Hindi, or any language in the world. Grammar is the base of these languages, and without learning it, one cannot build a good command of the language. But we often forget to revise these sections. You will also find people who are masters of their craft committing small mistakes of tenses, verb agreement, and other grammar arrangements. So, if you do not desire to embarrass yourself, keep check with your grammar book time after time.

6) Participating in tests

The best way to train your brain to learn things is by giving tests. Tests help you activate your brain to learn at a super-fast rate and register all you have learned in the past few days or months. You can contribute to a contest that your school plans. If not that many clubs host such tests and award prizes to the top contender as well. We have one more platform to help you out in your journey to learn spelling vocabulary and other aspects of English SpellQuiz. It is an online platform where you can register and participate in online spelling programs.

Conclusion: So these were few tips for How to Gain Command of English? We also discussed a fantastic source, SpellQuiz we’re. You can test your spelling vocabulary, take dictation for class first and participate in an online spelling test.

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