How to Extend the Life of a Proximity Card for Maximum Security  


Proximity cards are a part of contactless card technologies, and they play a critical role in keeping buildings safe. When held near an electronic reader, the data encoded on the card is identified by the reader to grant or deny access to a building. However, the card can stop working for various reasons.

When proximity cards stop working, your building remains unprotected and can become vulnerable to security threats, such as data theft. The good news is you can take a few steps to extend the life of a proximity card to maintain maximum security; learn how below.

Buy from a Reputable Provider

Many companies offer proximity cards today, but it’s important to buy from a reputable provider to ensure the highest quality. Proximity cards are a complex technology that significantly improves security in the workplace. But they can be problematic and put your company at risk if the card isn’t programmed to work efficiently, so you must buy from a reputable provider.

Compare products offered by a few providers and narrow down the top selling proximity cards among the companies. Speak to their experts about the card’s features, cost, and the company’s background to make an informed decision.

Use a Badge Holder

When high-quality proximity cards fail, it’s usually the result of unintentional abuse by the cardholder. For instance, the card may get scratched, twisted, accidentally washed when forgotten in pockets, etc. Keeping the card in a tight wallet can also demagnetize the and cause RFID interference. Physically protecting your card is key to reducing the risk of damage or abuse.

The best way to prevent damage is by using accessories like badge holders. Badge holders are a great choice to prolong the life of your card and make it easier for people with the card to remember to keep the card with them. They come in various choices and can be highly effective at protecting the card from damage that may cause wear and tear problems.

Avoid Exposure to Extreme Heat & Chemicals

Many people accidentally expose their proximity cards to extreme heat by leaving them on the dash of their car under direct sunlight or forgetting to take them out of their pant pockets when putting the clothes in the dryer. This can minimize the card’s usability and affect its functions.

Similarly, exposure to chemicals such as alcohol, isopropyl, and ethanol can damage a card and reduce its lifespan. So, it’s important to keep your card safe by putting it in a badge holder or avoiding exposure to extreme heat and chemicals by putting the card away when not in use.

Also Read: How Can You Better Manage Your Fleet with ELD Solutions?

Prevent Contact with Extreme Magnetic Fields

Often, magnetic fields can erase a chip’s programming, rendering it unusable. This typically occurs when multiple cards with magnetic stripes are stored together. When one magnet from a card comes close to another, it affects the other card’s magnetic field. Getting demagnetized results in data being erased from the card.

The best way to prevent card demagnetizing is by keeping your cards separate. Consider getting a larger wallet with different sections to keep magnetic cards apart, or place your proximity card outside the wallet for added security.

Proximity cards are an innovative technology making buildings safer. But it’s important to be careful when using and storing the card to prolong its life.

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