How Can You Manage Your Hormonal Imbalance During Menopause?


30-Second Summary

  • The first symptom of menopause is a hormonal imbalance in womenwhere their ovaries naturally decline and stop ovulating.
  • Most women undergo menopause around 50, and their ovaries stop producing enough estrogen and progesterone hormones.
  • Lack of essential female hormones can cause a ton of problems for your body. For example, you may experience weight gain, anxiety, low sex drive, infertility, osteoporosis, etc.
  • The best way to treat these symptoms is through lifestyle changes. For example, a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a positive mindset may help relieve the symptoms.
  • However, gynecologists usually recommend Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) to balance your hormones artificially, or some women start incorporating organic supplements in their lifestyle.

This article will look into the most common hormonal imbalance-related symptoms during menopause and possible ways to control them.

However, if you are experiencing a severe condition, be sure to speak with your gynecologist. Together, you can decide which treatment option is best for your needs.

1.       Stress & Anxiety: Menopausal women may experience stress and anxiety when their hormones are fluctuating. Also, chronic stress or illness can imbalance your cortisol levels.

Drastic mood swings in response to stress lead to raised cortisol levels. As a result, it inflates your blood sugar and blood pressure and lowers your immune system response.

A low-intensity workout or yoga can help lower elevated cortisol levels. You can also consider meditation and a monthly massage to slow your mind down, reduce stress, and lower cortisol levels. Check online trt prescription which helps in this situation.

Even deep breathing or mindfulness activities can help.

  1. Sleep Disorders: The hormonal decline of estrogen contributes to disrupted sleep. Symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, sweats, anxiety, and depressed mood, lead to non-restorative sleep and early morning wakening.

Sleep pattern can be improved by making the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Maintain a regular bedtime schedule
  • Exercise regularly but not right before sleep
  • Avoid excessive caffeine and sugars
  • Avoid naps during the day, which may prevent you from sleeping well at night
  1. Vaginal Dryness: Estrogen fluctuation may cause vaginal dryness in menopausal women. You can apply estrogen-containing creams directly to vaginal tissues to reduce symptoms. Estrogen tablets and rings can also help relieve vaginal dryness. Another common condition that women face is bacterial infection in vagina, taking probiotics for women helps them deal with it effectively.

Furthermore, ask your doctor to prescribe the best menopause supplement to relieve all the major menopausal symptoms.

  1. Excessive Facial Hair: Due to higher than normal levels of androgens, menopausal women develop excessive body or facial hair. If you are overweight, losing 5% of your body weight can lower androgen levels and help minimize unwanted hair. 

Additionally, birth control tablets are the most common practice of medicinal treatment for hirsutism. Birth control pills lower androgen levels, regulate the menstrual cycle, and prevent pregnancy.

  1. Infertility: Women who reach menopause cannot conceive a baby naturally or through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Clomiphene (Clomid) and Letrozole (Femara) are medicines that may help stimulate ovulation in menopausal women who are trying to become pregnant. Also, HRT and IVF can help you conceive if you are in your premenopausal stage.
  1. Unintentional Weight Gain: Decreased estrogen levels can increase the risk of unintentional weight gain around the abdomen and the hips. Aside from the symptoms of menopause, women diagnosed with PCOS may also experience weight gain. If hormonal imbalance is the cause of your obesity, consider the following lifestyle modifications:
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthily 
  • Avoid sugars, fast foods, and sugary beverages
  • Start using hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) – it will help your ovaries to produce enough amount of estrogen
  • Incorporate the best menopause supplements in your lifestyle to balance your hormones and relieve your symptoms
  1. Decreased Sex Drive: Menopausal women may experience changes in their body and sex drive due to the decline of estrogen and testosterone. For example, menopausal women are less sensitive to touching and stroking, and, as a result, they can’t easily arouse, which makes them less interested in sex.
  • Treatment options include lifestyle modifications (healthy diet and exercise).
  • Communication with your partner (intimacy can help put your sex drive back on track).
  • HRT and natural supplements like Provitalize.
  1. Increased or Decreased Heart Rate: Lower estrogen levels directly affect your heartbeat and make your heart overstimulated. A drastic decline in hormone production can increase your heart rate and rhythm in pulses.

Women who eat a nutritious diet rich in fruits and vegetables, don’t smoke, regularly exercise, and monitor themselves for weight gain can lower their risk of heart attack as they age.

  1. Frequent Urination: Hormonal imbalance in women can also lead you to pee often at night. Unfortunately, this also indicates that frequent urination can be a symptom of menopause, which appears around the age of 50 for most women.

You can improve your urinary system by making the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Gradually prepare your bladder to hold more urine by only urinating at specific preplanned times of the day. 
  • Do Kegel exercises or pelvic floor exercises to stimulate your pelvic muscles.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption. 
  • Lose weight to lessen the pressure on your muscles and bladder. 
  1. Dry skin: Declining estrogen levels in the bloodstream at the inception of menopause can also lead to skin dryness because estrogen stimulates the body’s collagen production and oils, which helps keep yourskin naturally moisturized.

Make your skin hydrated and glowing by making the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Get enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to help your skin make protective oils to keep itself hydrated.
  • Exercise is an excellent way to boost collagen production in your body (one of your skin’s natural moisturizers).
  • Use SPF 15 for the most efficient protection. 
  • Take shorter showers in warm water, as hot water can dry out your skin.
  • Stick to unscented, soothing soaps designed for dry or delicate skin. 
  • Lotion up right after your bath. Petroleum jelly can also work as a moisturizer for you. 
  • Hormonal therapy or natural supplements like Provitalize can also make your skin better to hold onto water and keep itself hydrated.

Also Read: How Can You Make Skincare Easy?

  1. Osteoporosis: Estrogen levels decline around menopause, resulting in increased bone loss. If your maximum bone mass before menopause was less than ideal, any bone loss during menopause might result in osteoporosis.
  • It is recommended to eat food rich in calcium and vitamin D to make your bones strong and healthy
  • Exercise 30 minutes a day
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat leafy greens
  • Consult with your doctor about medication


Even though aging, menopause, and hormonal imbalance are beyond your control, you can consider many lifestyle modifications and treatments to help your hormones function optimally.

Hormonal imbalance in women can cause various serious complications in their lives, so it’s essential to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Author Bio:

Sophia Anthony is a freelance writer and blogger, covering health and fitness topics through visual representation. She is very passionate about general health and beauty. Apart from work she likes dancing and listening to music. You can also contact her on Facebook, and Instagram.

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