Female Infertility: A Growing Concern


A number one growing concern today the world is facing is infertility, female fertility is the ability to reproduce and have a successful and proper pregnancy. However, the inability to produce progeny is termed infertility. This is usually diagnosed after a woman has failed to get pregnant for one year of unprotected sex. 

Nowadays, several options are available to treat infertility either in terms of medication or some surgery. Certain infertility projects are also provided. The Fertile Project tends to improve female fertility by providing the best care and treatment. 

Risk for female infertility

Multiple factors can contribute to increasing a woman’s risk of infertility in females. This might include basic health conditions, genetic characters, and lifestyle.

Some of these factors are flowing:

  • Age factor – having age 35 above
  • Hormone issue or imbalance.
  • Abnormal or irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Obesity is having overweight
  • Being underweight, even too skinny 
  • A low body-fat content from intense exercise.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Structural problems that include problems within the fallopian tubes or uterus 
  • Having Uterine fibroids.
  • Having Cysts in the ovary
  • Tumors or cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases 
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) because of too much sex
  • Having the problem of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
  • Have been diagnosed with Primary Ovary Insufficiency (POI).
  • Those who have the habit of heavy drinking.
  • Excessive Smoking 
  • History of tubal pregnancy.

Does age have a major impact on female infertility?

As a woman ages, her ability to get pregnant is also reduced to half. Age is becoming a contributing factor in female infertility. It has been observed that couples made mistakes to have children until their 40s to enjoy life. Women over the age of 35 have more fertility issues. And why is that so:

  • The overall number of eggs has been reduced.
  •  Eggs might have an abnormal number of chromosomes.
  •  They have an increased risk of other health conditions.

Female infertility treatment

Once a gynecologist has diagnosed female infertility and the leading cause, they will recommend treatment options accordingly. For example, they may recommend home insemination or intrauterine insemination for less severe fertility issues.

Female infertility can be prevented

It’s disturbing and sad to know that the majority of female infertility cannot be predicted before time. However, one can avoid the risk factors that might contribute to infertility. This includes lifestyle changes, having a reduction in alcohol consumption, healthy eating, and regular light exercise.


One can increase their chances to get pregnant in many ways.

  • Exercise regularly. But one shouldn’t overdo exercise that can disturb the menstrual cycle. 
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight. A good weight is having a body mass index (BMI) of at least between 21and 27.
  • Avoid and stop smoking.
  • Limit caffeine in the diet. High-level intake of caffeinated drinks causes infertility issues.
  • Having a fertility diet
  • One should eat more beans, nuts, and other fertility-boosting plant protein
  • One should eat more whole grains food


As we come to know that female infertility depends greatly on the individual lifestyle and choices she makes in her life. But now with the increase of research in every field of science the problem of infertility is being sorted. The fertile projects are available in every developed city and area to deal with this issue and to ensure better treatment

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