Exam Preparation: Tips And Tricks 


REET Full Form -Rajasthan Eligibility Examination Test. Rajasthan’s Board Of Secondary Education conducts this examination to appoint teachers in the government schools of the state. The exam is a two-fold division. The first level is for those candidates who are qualified to teach standard I to V while the second level involves those candidates who can teach the classes from VI to VIII. 

The exam can be cracked with proper planning, determination, and sheer will to accomplish the goals. While the option of attending offline coaching classes prevail, candidates may choose to prepare by themselves, or by attending online coaching classes where experienced mentors teach online. 

Let’s see what are the tips and tricks behind cracking the exam. 

Tip #1: Know The Syllabus 

First of all, acquaint yourself with the syllabus of the exam. The syllabus is the basis upon which you can start taking your preparations. Do note that the syllabus is quite vast, so maintaining a proper study schedule and practicing time management is essential. If you are preparing for both the levels or papers, do a comparative analysis of the syllabus and find out the topics that are common to both the exam levels. Everyone has some kind of weakness in a particular domain. Analyze and point out the area in which you are facing the greatest difficulties. Give more time to prepare those lessons so that you become confident in solving the questions based on that area. 

Tip #2: Research On Resources For Preparation 

Once you get a clear idea of the examination syllabus, try to get your hands on the books and study materials that you need to crack the exam. The market is flooded with tons of books and study notes. Refine your search by collecting only reliable and standard books. NCERT books are highly recommended. Collect the respective subject books of NCERT as these are going to help you to a great extent. 

Doing away with books is a risky proposition while preparing for the exam. Apart from giving you a clear idea of the various topics mentioned in the syllabus, the books also contain a separate section where the model question papers of the exam are discussed. Without adequate books, it would become difficult for the candidates to get a grasp of the topic. 

Tip #3: Practise Time Management Skills 

Covering the huge syllabus definitely requires proper time management skills. Make sure you have a minimum of 4 to 5 hours exclusively for studying. Divide the study sessions into short chunks and incorporate breaks of about 5 to 7 minutes in between. This will help you stay energized and motivated throughout the study sessions. Allot specified time slots for each topic. Designate a particular time interval for writing down things or preparing notes or mind maps. Keep enough time for for learning new concepts and memorising the facts. Ensure a well-optimised utilisation of time. 

Tip #4: Solve Previous Year Questions 

To crack any exam, practising the previous year questions is a must. You can search for the past year questions of the exam either in any online website or any book. Several books on past 10 years’ questions are available in the market. So, you may consider keeping a copy of such a book with you to facilitate the preparation. 

Tip #5: Have Proper Sleep 

Ensure if you are getting proper sleep. If you don’t give your brain the required amount of rest, your efficiency will be affected and you will make mistakes even in solving easy questions. Lack of proper sleep will push you in a state of fatigue. So, make sure you have at least 7 to 8 hours of proper sleep. Only then, will you be able to function effectively and give your best to crack the exam. 

Tip #6: Appear For Mock Tests 

Sitting for mock tests before the final examination is very important. The mock tests will give you an idea how prepared you are for the exam. You will also be able to understand the areas where you are taking more time to solve the questions. In that way, you will be able to focus on improving your abilities in the area about which you don’t feel much confidence. 


Maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated. With the right approach and proper planning, you will be able to attain success. Cracking it is indeed possible with the execution of right strategies. Hopefully these tips will help you prepare for the exam in a better way. All the best! You will rock it. 

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