Benefits Of Robotic Prostate Surgery You Should Know


Prostate cancer, a commonly found cancer in men, is a serious concern. A person surviving prostate cancer will have to get the prostate removed (as long as any area outside the gland is unaffected by cancer). The go-to surgery for prostate cancer is one of the most radical surgeries, usually carried out in the open surgery format. However, the emergence of robotics is making the rounds and has found its way into medicine. It is a less invasive technique compared to open surgery. Robot-assisted surgeries are carried out with the help of a sophisticated surgery system that provides surgeons with enhanced vision, control, and precision.

How does robotic prostate surgery work?

A surgeon carries out the procedure with the help of a robotic arrangement. The surgeon’s operating room houses the control panel. They then use this panel to operate the robot and perform the operation through prior small incisions made in the patient’s stomach. 

This allows the surgeon to freely remove the prostate and other required tissues with great accuracy. The conventional surgery was more invasive and required an incision that extended from the belly button to the pubic bone.

A three-dimensional endoscope is required for robotic-assisted surgery. This allows the images seen inside the body to be visible on a connected monitor, which will allow the surgeon to proceed with the surgery while being able to see what is happening. These images are simply a magnified view of the tissues and glands. The surgeon is seated by a computer and controls the robotic instruments that offer movements that far exceed the capabilities of the human wrist. The surgeon’s hands do not enter the patient’s body even once.

What are the benefits of Robotic-Prostate Surgery?

The benefits of robotic prostate surgery are many. They are as follows:

● Robotic prostate surgery is usually considered at a higher level than conventional open surgery in multiple ways. One of the many advantages is the freedom of movement. The robotic limbs are free for movment offer more freedom, are more accurate, and do not experience the same tremors that human hands do.

● The endoscopic camera allows for a better view of the surgical area. It offers an enlarged and three-dimensional, which allows the surgeon to remove the prostate gland precisely and with care.

● The procedure is not as invasive as open surgery. As a result, it spares the nerves, preserves sexual potential, and preserves the patient’s urinary control. It does not hamper sexual activities in any way.

● Less blood loss

● Less pain

● Shorter hospital stays

● Faster recovery times (although the catheter needs to remain in the bladder for a short amount of time after the procedure, typically one week.)

● Faster healing

● The recovery time is shorter than usual, and the patient can resume normal activities within one week and return to work in ten to fifteen days.

● The incisions are smaller, which leads to the scarring being less or non-existent.

● The risk of not being able to control your bladder is a low risk of incontinence

● One can get an erection again faster

What is the success rate of robot prostate surgery?

While it comes down to the individual body of the patients and their unique characteristics and medical history, the general success rate of robot prostate surgery is quite high, especially compared to conventional, radical open surgery. Robot-assisted surgery is associated with the following:

● Lower chances of manual errors

● Better potency

● Higher efficacy

● Lower chances of PSA blood levels and cancer relapse (biochemical recurrence)

The benefits of robotic prostate surgery are quite a lot. While it also comes with its fair share of risks, it boasts a fairly high success rate.

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