All You Need to Know About Fever


A fever is a condition in which your body temperature is raised temporarily due to some illness. It indicates an underlying condition. Fever itself is a symptom, that shows that you may have an infection or any other underlying condition.

It can affect any age group. Fever may make adults uncomfortable until it reaches around 103 degrees Fahrenheit. But in infants, a slight rise in body temperature can be life-threatening and indicate a serious infection.

Generally, over-the-counter medications help in lowering body temperature raised by fever. But if it occurs due to an infection, your healthcare provider may also prescribe antibiotics. If your child has a fever, you can take them to a Best Internal Medicine specialist in Lahore.



For everyone, the body temperature differs slightly. But a body temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit indicates fever, also known as pyrexia or hyperthermia. Fever itself is a symptom of some underlying condition. However, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as;

●         Sweating

●         Chills and shivering

●         Dehydration

●         General weakness

●         Headache

●         Muscle aches

●         Loss of appetite

●         Irritability

Children aged between six months to five years may also have seizures. You must take them to the hospital if your child has got fits due to fever.



Hypothalamus is a gland that regulates body temperature, also known as the thermostat of the body. When it shifts the temperature upwards, it causes fever. You need to take extra layers of cloth, or your body may shiver to generate heat, eventually causing an increase in body temperature.

Your body temperature may rise because of conditions such as;

●         A viral infection

●         A bacterial infection

●         Heat exhaustion

●         Inflammatory or autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis

●         Medication used to treat seizures or high blood pressure

●         Cancer or tumor

●         Getting vaccinations such as measles, tetanus, and others

What are the Complications of a Fever?

Fever in children aged between six months to five years may get febrile seizures. If your child has involuntary jerking of limbs or loss of consciousness, you must take them to the hospital as soon as possible. If a seizure occurs, you can do the following things;

Make them lay on their stomach on a floor or a bed

Loosen tight clothing

Remove objects located nearby that can hurt them

Hold them to prevent any injury

Do not put any medicine or something else to stop seizures

Most seizures stop on their own. But if they occur due to fever, you must take them to the hospital.

How Can You Prevent Fever?

To prevent fever, one needs to prevent the spread of infections. For that, you can;

●         Ask your children to wash their hands and wash your hands too, after using the toilet and before eating. Even before cooking, you must wash your hands.

●         Avoid touching surfaces in public places and transport. Also, wash your hands once you reach home from outside.

●         When going outside, carry a hand sanitizer with yourself as it can help in disinfecting your hands when you do not have an access to soap and water.

●         Avoid touching your nose, eyes, or mouth frequently as they are the ways for the entrance of viruses and bacteria.

●         When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and teach your child to do so. It is better to cough and sneeze in tissue paper and throw it right away.

●         Avoid sharing cups, utensils, and water bottles in a family, especially when someone has symptoms of an infection.


Fever is an abnormal condition when your body temperature gets raised. It can occur due to various reasons, but the most common one is the infection due to a virus or bacteria. If you have a complaint of fever, you must visit an Best Internal Medicine Specialist in Islamabad.

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