Heart palpitations: How to stop fast heartbeat


Have you ever felt that your heart is pumping fast? Well, it happens often when you do some physical activity. It feels like that your heart is skipping beats or you can sense your pulse in the chest and neck too. It is known as heart palpitations. It occurs for only two seconds or it can happen anytime. It might be possible that you are lying down or standing, you can experience heart palpitations anywhere, anytime.

If you are thinking that it might be a sign of a heart condition, such thoughts are wrong. Heart palpitations are the results of the physical activities that make your heart work hard. The causes are different, such as emotional stress, dehydration, exercise, etc.

Best heart specialists in Peshawar say that Long-term heart palpitations can be caused by illegal drug intake, tobacco products, medical conditions, pregnancy, caffeine, etc.

If you are at home and want to manage heart palpitations, you need to read the following tips.

Tips To Manage Your Heart Palpitations 

Vagal maneuvers

Studies share that the vagus nerve has many functions in your body. One of the main functions is that it connects your brain to your heart. Vagal maneuvers are the practice that stimulates the vagus nerve. Such conditions also raise the heartbeat. It is possible to stimulate the vagus nerve by sitting at home, but experts believe that it should be practiced by the doctors’ approval.

  • You can stimulate the vagus nerve in different ways, such as:
  • Hold your breath in the way that you are having a bowel movement.
  • Cough or gag for a while to lower your heart palpitations.
  • Take a cold shower or you can put a cold towel on your face for 30 seconds. Coldwater can help to stimulate the nerve.

Balanced electrolyte 

Electrolytes function to move electrical signals throughout your body. Studies have confirmed that these signals are crucial for the function of the heart. According to experts in pharmaceutical and due diligence consulting firms, you need to go for electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, etc.

Many foods contain these electrolytes that you can obtain from foods. Bananas and sweet potatoes are rich in potassium. Green veggies and fish can give you enough magnesium. Dairy products provide enough calcium to your body.

Relaxation Techniques 

Emotional stress can make your heart palpitations worse. Stress raises the adrenaline spike that triggers heart rate. You need to manage stress with relaxation techniques. Experts say that stress can be managed in different ways, such as tai chi, yoga, and meditation.

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A cross-legged position is the best way to take a slow breath in through your nostrils. Breathe out through your mouth and repeat this technique until you feel relaxed. You should not wait for your heart palpitations to practice these techniques but practice them every day or every two hours. It prevents high heart rate, etc.

Drink Enough Water

Water deficiency in your body can lead to heart palpitations. Drinking enough water can help your body to flush out all the toxins. Blood also contains water but during dehydration, your blood becomes thick and can cause various health issues. Thick blood makes it harder for your heart to pump the blood. Such a condition causes heart palpitations and can cause temporary heart issues.

When you feel heart palpitations, drink a glass of water. Dark-colored urine is also a sign of dehydration.

Avoid Unhealthy lifestyle choices 

Many substances can trigger the heart rate but you can do a favor to your heart by only avoiding them. They include:

  • Certain cold and cough medicines
  • High blood pressure medicines
  • Illegal drugs
  • Excessive intake of alcohol

You need to make a list of what you eat or do that makes your heart work hard. Discuss with your doctors the things that trigger heart palpitations. Fainting due to heartbeats is a serious condition that needs medical help as soon as possible. So, if you are feeling sick with a high heart rate, make an appointment.

Final Thought 

Heart palpitations are not serious until you have a heart problem. You should exercise regularly and eat plenty of colored foods that can help to maintain heart health.

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