Many people find that hunting is a relaxing physical activity, so it is not surprising that more and
more men and women join hunting societies every year.
Hunting is equally suitable for older and younger people, as there is no minimum age for starting
hunting in some American states, while in others, it is in the range of 7 to 12 years.
The hunting rifle is the basic requirement for a successful hunt, and the gun choice will depend
on many factors.
We will discuss everything you need to know about a hunting rifle selection to help you choose the right rifle for you or the person you want to give it to as a gift. Visit to purchase 80 lowers
The first question you need to consider is:
Who will use the rifle?
Using a rifle should be equally enjoyable for single-shot and all-day hunting. As we mentioned in
the introduction, both men and women, old and young, are involved in hunting.
One rifle cannot suit all because we do not have the same physical constitution.
It is essential to try the rifle and see how it fits in your hands. The gun should not feel too heavy
to you because you will not be able to carry it and keep it stable without experiencing fatigue.
You should pay special attention to recoil, perhaps the most critical part of the shooting
experience. If the rifle does not fit you, its recoil may cause you serious injuries.
If the gun is too light, recoil will be an issue, too. You can solve this problem by choosing a
slightly heavier rifle or a weaker cartridge.

Also, you should know what type of game you want to hunt – small and big game hunts require different bullets. This decision will narrow down the cartridges you will use, and cartridges will limit the type of rifle that suits your needs.
Once you know what type of prey you are after and what gun can kill it, you can focus on other
factors. Those factors will provide a pleasant user experience with your new rifle.
Choose the perfect fit.
Choosing the right length for the stock is essential.
The standard stock is 13.75 inches long and is suitable for the average man, but a woman or a teenager will need a shorter one. Most manufacturers offer rifles with shorter stocks of 12 inches.
Also, make sure you choose the right stock material.
The stock is usually made of wood, laminated wood, or synthetics.
Wood provides a pleasant feeling but is susceptible to scratches and breakage damage. Laminated wood is more substantial, durable, and resistant than regular wood.
Synthetic stocks are resistant to most atmospheric conditions, and they can get wet without being damaged.
If the stock doesn’t fit perfectly, you will be able to shorten the wooden stock according to your needs. Synthetic stocks cannot be adjusted with ease.
Comb height can also be problematic for some users, but this can be solved by simply wearing a face shield, which will reduce the feeling of twitching.
Ranges of rifle calibers
You will base your rifle choice primarily on its caliber – the diameter of the rifle barrel. The calibers are diverse, offering different advantages and disadvantages.
Your rifle should accommodate different cartridge sizes. You need to adjust the strength of the ammunition to the size of the animals you are hunting.
Also, the range is significant because you will shoot from different distances, and your firearm shouldn’t make you less efficient.
It is not easy to check all boxes with one rifle because it will not be perfect for all types of hunting. Calibers can be classified as follows:
● Small calibers. Small calibers include high-speed ammunition, including 204 Ruger, 222 Remington, 223 Natchez Shooting, 243 Winchester, etc. These cartridges are used in medium game hunting. They are suitable for use in bolt-action, semi-automatic and single-shot rifles. They have minimal recoil, a straight trajectory, are extremely precise,
and are ideal for shooting from a long distance. Bullets of these calibers generally weigh 60 to 100 gr.
● Standard calibers. Standard calibers are commonly used in bolt-action rifles. They are characterized by moderately high speed and excellent precision, and their average weight varies between 115 and 180 gr. This category includes bullets 25-06 Remington, 6.5 Creedmore, .270 Winchester, 7mm-08 Rem, .280 Rem, .308 Win, .30-06 Springfield.
● Lever-action calibers. These are medium and high-weight bullets (150 to 300 gr), which move at a moderate or slightly slower speed. These are .350 Legend, .444 Marlin, .450 Bushmaster, and .45-70 Government caliber bullets for lever-action hunting rifles.
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Types of rifle action
We can classify rifles according to the action, i.e., the mechanism that moves their parts and makes them functional. There are five types of hunting rifle actions, these are:
● Bolt-Action. A Bolt-action rifle is a type of firearm with manual movement. The gun is controlled by directly manipulating the shutter through the shutter handle, usually placed on the right side of the weapon. Bolt-action rifles allow for greater flexibility and a wider ammunition, caliber, and range choice. One of their significant advantages is that it is easy to check whether the rifle is loaded or not, and simply removing the screw makes the rifle non-operational and safe. They are great for long-distance hunting, and they are also the most affordable.
● Lever-Action. Lever action rifles have a higher firing speed and a shorter overall length than most bolt-action rifles. They are popular in sport hunting, especially short and medium distances. Behind the gun, a trigger is a large metal lever that also forms the trigger guard.
● Pump action. The front part moves back and forth with a pump-action gun to eject spent ammunition and put in new ones. These rifles are faster than bolt and lever-action but still slightly slower than semi-automatic rifles. They allow greater flexibility in the selection of cases and their load. Although they have many advantages, these models are less popular than the previous two because their shots are faster but less accurate. Moving the rifle to reload makes you lose your shooting position.
● Semi-Automatic Action. Although most hunters prefer bolt-action rifles, semi-automatic action has reduced recoil. Semi-automatic rifles jerk out the worn cartridge, pulling a new one out of the tank and resetting the action. By pressing the shutter button again, you can fire another bullet.
● Hinge Action (or Break). This rifle model has a separate barrel for each shot. Most models have one or two pipes, but some have four. Some models also have an open hammer, which can be dangerous. They are easy to load, so these rifles are often the first firearm for most hunters.
Final words
What is the perfect rifle for you? There’s no answer. You may have to try several models until
you find one that meets your needs.
If your hunting rifle is too light, it will be unstable, and the recoil may be problematic. If it is too heavy, carrying it for a long time will make you tired. If it is not suitable for your height, you will have a problem aiming.
The perfect rifle is just like your hunting preference – individual. We hope you find our guidelines informative and helpful in your search for your new gun.
Author bio Travis Dillard is a business consultant and an organizational psychologist based in Arlington, Texas. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing.